Monday, November 15, 2010

Why people hate IP

recent linkedin forum question: why do some people really hate IP. my response:

1. As technology has changed the way content is distributed, the distributors - not even the content creators, by and large - have relied on copyright in a vain attempt to fight change instead of evolving. Maybe evolution is impossible, but IP has been the tool t-rex and brontosaurus industries have used to stomp on a few mammals on their way out.

2. the stated objective of patents is the incentive to innovate, but open source developers have proven that copyleft is a far better tool for innovation while patent holders are more and more often gatekeepers to innovation. They're less concerned innovation than extracting licensing fees from real innovators - fees priced liked parking tickets: just cheap enough to make payment preferable to litigation, no matter which side justice is on.

3. Look around any market place: nearly any claim, slogan, or description indicates its trademarked. It gets silly.

4. When somebody you know gets cancer or HIV or some other terrible disease, your glad IP creates an incentive to innovate those wonder drugs - until you find out they're outrageously priced to make the most out of the 'desperately afraid of dying' situation the products' consumer is in. Then when you see the efforts those patent holders go to to perpetuate and exasperate that situation - and how they stagger inventions to suit their business needs - while your loved one is crying because they don't want to die . . . yeah, that could make somebody hate IP

5. and when a company dumps a bunch of junk in the gulf to clean up an oil spill, but nobody gets to know what that junk is because its a trade secret - you have to start wondering, isn't there a point where a reasonable person concludes that the public good is best advanced through the free flow of information (how small r republican!) and that the public policy justifications for IP are really just an attempt to justify the pursuit of profit at the public's expense?

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fast food obesity suits and tort law basics

I recently posted an an article on Facebook about a judge that decided not to allow a fast food obesity suit as a class action. My comments indicated that I agreed that these types of cases are not proper class actions but that I supported fast food obesity suits in principal. A debate then took place in the comments section over whether fast food obesity suits were a good thing from a policy perspective. I posit that application of general tort standards demonstrates why obesity suits are warranted.

Now, lets be clear: general tort law is probably the last thing the plaintiff's attorneys in the cases want to rely upon. Most states have enacted consumer protection statutes that impose strict liability on merchants and manufacturers that sell products whose defects lead to injury. And when you look at obesity suits from a products liability perspective, I almost sympathise with anti-obesity suit position. After all, it wasn't a defect in the execution of fast food that contributed to our obesity epidemic - it was a defect in the design. If fast food chains can be held liable because fast food is inherently dangerous, it means that I may ultimately be deprived of the option to occasional enjoy the guilty pleasure of fast food because others lack self control. That result is a bit ugly.

However, the debate in my comments was not about whether or not we ought to have access to fast food - it was about whether obesity was more attributable to personal and parental choices than fast food merchants. To counter that, I point to the way that fast food companies market their product: they hire teams of shrinks and marketing pros, extensively market and advertise directly to children, and load their products with sub par and quasi-addictive ingredients. The response: parents still have the power to say no.

So, again, being clear: I do not support obesity suits because of the nature of fast food. I support obesity suits because of the manner in which fast food companies sell their product. If fast food companies marketed exclusively to adults and clearly disclosed all information necessary for an adult to make an informed purchasing decision at the point of sale, I would have no problem with fast food, per se.

Now, the debate in my comments didn't use the term "causation", but this is element of liability for wrongful behavior that was being discussed. To hold another liable for an injury for the tort of negligence, you essentially have to show three things: (1) that somebody breached the general duty to conduct oneself in a manner that isn't likely to hurt other people, (2) that you you got hurt, and (3) that your injury was caused by the wrongdoer's wrongdoing. In my comments nobody was arguing that aggressively marketing a fattening and quasi-addictive product directly to children was harmless. Likewise, nobody was arguing that kids that eat fast food don't get fat. So what the debate was over was whether the resulting obesity actually caused by fast food marketing or lax parenting.

In order to be held liable for wrongdoing, it must be the proximate cause of an injury. This is different than merely being a cause in fact. Cause in fact is "but for" causation. For example, you can argue people wouldn't have to tolerate my wacky facebook posts but for my parents conceiving me. My parents are a cause in fact of my face book posts. However, it would be ridiculous to conclude that they were the proximate cause because all kinds of things happened since that fateful day that led to my wacky posting - much of which my parents had no control over whatsoever.

What was essentially being argued in my comments section was that lax parenting is something that was out of control of the fast food companies, severing proximate causation. However, determining whether an independent act severs proximate causation turns on foreseeability. Think of a cop dropping off a drunk at the edge of town. Is the cop liable if the drunk gets hurt because of somebody else's wrongful conduct? It depends. If the cop drops him off on the emergency lane of an intersection and he gets killed by an elephant run amok, I think the cop has a good case that the dude's death was caused by the whatever led to an elephant getting loose. If he gets killed by a driver that negligently veered into the emergency without looking, I think the cop better get a lawyer.

So, the question is whether lax parenting was foreseeable by the fast food industry at the time it aggressively marketed its fattening garbage directly to kids. And that's easy answer: lax parenting was not only foreseen - it was both hoped for and encouraged. It is well known that part of the fast food industry's marketing to kids is to give kids the tools they need to overcome parental objections. For example, marketing studies have recognised the power of child nagging on parent choices, and psychologists have helped them design ads designed to maximise the nagging. And that's just one well documented example of how fast food companies have intentionally targeted good parenting as something to be overcome.

When I asked how can parents compete with that, it was suggested that I ought to give parents more credit. And there is always the anecdotal examples of tough responsible parenting we love to cite when we think of how we parent (or would like to parent) our children. But the concept of parent is a vanity - its like when Glenn Danzig got knocked out back stage. Beneath all the muscles and martial arts training, he was still just a dude capable of getting knocked out by somebody that knew how to land a first punch. We like to think we're this unshakable advocate for our children's welfare. But most of us are tired, financially stretched thin, over worked, distracted by a million things, and find refuge from a harsh existence in the happiness of our children. We're only human - even the best of us. And when we have a huge well organized company spending millions upon millions and working tirelessly to undermine us, the result is a predictable percentage of us will fail.

How predictable? Predictable enough for fast food companies to feel comfortable betting large sums of money on it every time they budgeted for children's marketing. Predictable enough to set reasonable accurate forecasts for the sale of children's items. Predictable enough to have an understanding of the correlation between their marketing efforts and their sales results.

In short: lax parenting in the face of their marketing efforts was entirely foreseeable. To the extent fast food is the a cause in fact of childhood obesity, it is also a proximate cause. The lawsuits are entirely appropriate.

my problem is not with the fast food per se - but the manner in which it is marketed.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Office has Jumped the Shark

I don't watch TV. The only shows I watch are show's Patty watches. The Office is one of them.

To me, the show had been going down hill throughout all of last season. Dwight had gone from a bumpkin metal geek you pitied and loved to a predictable jerk ass. Ryan had become stale... as a character.

But the full on jump took place when Pam had the baby. First, who has their work life that involved in the birth of their child? Second, why the disclosure of the sex of the baby - it was like they needed to have the look on Jim's face when he found out, but they couldn't depict the delivery too graphically, so they let it out by accident in the parking lot? So lame. And there is nothing that can make Jim mad enough not to melt on cue for the "awwww" moment - no wonder he's not respected as a boss.

The whole show is tedious. Where once Dwight and Angela were a couple you were rooting for, the circle of romances is just tiring - something to take up time while you wait for Steve Carell to make his over extended character funny - a testament to Carell's talent. And if there was any doubt the show is dead, all you had to watch was (a) the lip dub music video intro, and (b) the sweeny todd episode. do i love these characters so much they only have to be cute, not funny? no.

Hopefully Sweeny Todd marks the final point on Andy's journey from an high testosterone tail chasing under achiever to an effeminate buffoon. I mean, its nice that they scan google so they can reference real life things local to scranton - but wouldn't dwight schrute at the PA renaisance fair be alot more fun of an off site episode than Andy in a local play? Sad thing is, the old andy could have been michael scott's replacement - ed helms has the talent and personality - and the ivy league education would have justified the move. but how do you rescue him from being dumped for somebody else in the office twice and still thirsting for sloppy seconds? You can't.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Auto - tune

here is my theory on auto-tune. I typically enjoy music because its pleasing on the ears in and of itself or because its impressive as a human accomplishment. In the second category, a piece may be impress...ive because of the genius of its composition or because the nature of the performance. Of course, the best music works on all those levels, but autotune only speaks to the last of the considerations: it cheapens the performance value of the piece. On the other hand, it makes it possible for more people to make music that's pleasing to the ears and provides the song writer with another tool. So on the whole, autotune is a good thing - but I can definitely see myself being disappointed if I thought a performance was impressive only to find out that it was auto tuned or otherwise boosted with trickery.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Baby details

Full name: Olive Helen Hanna

How did you come up with that name? We just stumbled on Olive and it seemed to match the spunky personality she was exhibiting in the womb. Once we started referring to her as Olive, there was no turning back.

And Helen? Its Patty's beloved grandmother's name.

Statistics: 8 lbs, 5 oz.; 20.5 inches long; born 6:28 pm September 26, 2010, Elmer, NJ.

Elmer?! It was a philosophic choice with the added benefit that its very close to Patty's support network. Now I know Virtua is where you're "supposed" to have a baby because its the local apex of neonatal medicine. But we didn't want the latest and the greatest. We wanted access to medical expertise in case something happened, but we wanted to do it the old fashioned way. We believe there are benefits to that. And just as Virtua is where you go if you want the latest in medical science and technology, Elmer is where you go if you want a natural, non-induced, no-epidural birth with a mid-wife that will prevent mom from tearing without cutting her and waits until the chord stops pulsing to let dad cut it.

How was it there? Everything we expected and then some. Everyone there embraces and is tuned into the natural child birth philosophy. I'd easily recommend Elmer to anyone looking for a natural child birth.

Did Patty do it all natural? Yes. We were going to get induced on Sunday night, but Olive started moving on her own Saturday morning. There came a point where Patty took something to help her fall asleep - but that was because we had been awake for 36 hours, active labor was still hours away, and contractions were preventing her from getting much needed rest. That said, the birth itself was non-induced and drug free.

Did Hypno-Birthing Work? Yes! And it was the most amazing thing I've seen. Honestly, I walked away from this whole affair with so much admiration for Patty. To watch her take control of her birth by letting her body take over was awe inspiring. Was it pain and discomfort free the way the book promised? I can't lie and say yes. But, after seeing what I saw, I think its completely feasible.

But I don't want to credit the method because it was all Patty. Honestly. Words can't describe how impressive she was. At first, she had a hard time dealing with the contractions. But there came a point, in the tub, where she would take control of her breathing and see each contraction through. It was like watching a pro athlete or a musical virtuoso - but even more impressive because it wasn't something Patty had to train for years for. It was something she was born to do.

She did a water birth? No. On the bed, with me providing some big assistance.

Did you get queesy? Yes, at one point. But I pulled it together, and once I started seeing Olive's head, I was so excited I could have gotten through anything. Plus, Patty was so brave and strong through that last phase I'd have no excuse to not see it through. Of course, once you see that little face and then the legs come out, and then all the crying (parents and baby) and the excitement of having your new baby its all worth it.

Best parts of the night: Seeing her face. Embracing Olive with Patty for the first time. Love at first sight. Letting it sink in how deep that love already is. Seeing my mom hold her first grand child. Knowing that my daughter got to meet one of her grandfathers - something I never got to do. Seeing purportedly anti-baby uncle jeff take to her like a natural.

So what's it like being a dad? My feelings on it have changed with each day. Going into it, I thought about how our baby is the embodiment of me and Patty's love for each other, and that through her Patty and I will live on beyond our own years - inseparable. What struck me after she was born was how much I felt like I was now the head of my family - which is a strange mix of pride, love, and the desire to keep everyone together and safe. And then today I started feeling like as long as I have my daughter and she's o.k., nothing else really matters. So its pretty cool being a dad.