The assistant principal was within her legal authority, her legal right, to do the search. She may have been overzealous in her actions.Third-grader strip-searched at North Carolina school after stealing claim | Fox News
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Why I hate asshole school administrators - and authority in general
Thursday, June 14, 2012
punishing thought crime isn't censorship so long as its your boss that's punishing the thought
Catholic School Fires Teacher For Supporting Gay Marriage In Self-Review | The New Civil Rights Movement
some people deserve to go to hell when they die
BPA | Toxic Ingredients Hiding in Kids' Products | The Stir
Apple’s suppliers claim to the press that they have ended excessive overtime and doubled workers’ salaries. Meanwhile, interviews with the workers themselves reveal that, for many not in management, pay has actually decreased. Even worse, workers are now being told to work UNPAID overtime or risk losing their jobs(emphasis retained from original)
Apple: Get serious about improving worker conditions | SumOfUs
Tell House Democrats: Support President Obama by drawing a line in the sand on the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy.
Tell House Democrats: Support President Obama by drawing a line in the sand on the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Breaking with Ubuntu is probably a good thing - but keep the name if Canonical is cool with it
Personally, Kubuntu always felt like an after thought to the main distro. It may be that the whole thing goes to hell with Canonical lessening their support. But so long as Kubuntu remains an official -buntu, Canonical will have every reason to fund it sufficiently and provide enough support to prevent it from dragging down the overall -buntu brand.
From Kubuntu's perspective, losing the name means you eventually just become another KDE distro with an interesting history. There are plenty out there to choose from.
Kubuntu Community Update | wonderly@blog:~#
Maybe they're on to something after all
At any rate, sounds like a move in the right direction.
Ubuntu OS for Smartphones May Come Next Year | PCWorld Business Center
better late than never (so long asits not too late)
Sometimes I get to wondering what a distro like Ubuntu is trying to do. They seem focused on improving the PC experience for the average user (when they're not trying to distance Unity from Gnome Shell for its own sake) - and they've generally done a good job. Yet they don't seem to have any viable plan to increase the settings in which people will encounter Ubuntu in their everyday life, there's no reason to believe that manufacturers are going to start shipping Linux machines (Ubuntu or otherwise) without public demand, and the PC is going to start being a harder place for a user like me to install after the fact. Plus, all the smart money is moving away from the x86/AMD64 PC and towards ARM powered mobile devices - where iOS is increasingly dominant and Android serves the alternative market. So what the hell is their big picture objective? What's the ultimate vision for this thing?
But hey - I'll take whatever convenience I can get!
‘Download for Ubuntu’ Button Campaign | jonobacon@home
Monday, June 4, 2012
best shoes = flat shoes
To Heel or Not To Heel…The Toe-nnoying Truth About High Heels (and your poor toes)
Friday, May 25, 2012
Lucky nobody was killed
Reason Magazine - Hit & Run
Thursday, May 24, 2012
According to the Bible, what group of people would Jesus put in a concentration camp until they die out?
Local Pastor Calls For Death of 'Queers & Homosexuals' - YouTube
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, but . . . .
An adult shouldn't be subject to a spanking by the state, no matter how light, for doing something that doesn't harm anyone. Period.
Friday, May 18, 2012
About time!
Guitar Music Fad Runs Course | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
One good thing about Philly: it's great place to to be a junk food vegetarian
Philadelphia-area vegan restaurants evolving beyond fake meats -
Monday, May 7, 2012
Monday, April 30, 2012
Small errors almost resulted in anihilation at least 6 times
6 Tiny Mistakes That Almost Ended the World |
So funny I forgot to laugh
6 Secret Monopolies You Didn't Know Run the World |
Friday, April 27, 2012
Two things are certain: (1) the kid's an asshole, and (2) judges fuck up everything when it comes to families
Kid's an asshole. Courts suck at handling family issues.
The punk thing to do: throw a party when everyone's down and worry about paying for it later.
Either way, the reason the economy won't grow is because people are broke or are fearful of being dead broke in the future. They're not spending money. The cure for that is business expansion that puts people back to work. Business isn't going to expand operations regardless of the tax rate or the public balance sheet unless it has a customer to sell goods and services to. How do you break the viscous cycle?
Government spending. Granted, spending on infra structure upgrades is probably better than on a big party (which is what the Olympics is), but throwing money out of a helicopter for people to spend is better than what they're doing now. So given its the only thing the austerity pushers in England are willing to splurge on, I'm all for it.
Obviously, you can't blame a musician for not being as up on their economics as Paul Krugman. However, refocusing and conflating the short term growth problem with the long term debt issue is a right wing strategy to exploit a crisis. In god times they want to tear down the modern social safety net. In bad times they want to tear down the modern social safety net. They want to tear it down because it liberal. They want to tear it down because its socialist. They want to tear it down because its the road to fascism. They'll say anything to tear it down - they just want a society where the better off aren't responsible for the well being of the people as a whole - and a place where people are hungry enough to work longer hours, for less pay, with less safety, and with less concern for the environment. It's sad to see Johhny Rotten getting suckered by the rhetoric.
John Lydon speaks out on the Sex Pistols' refusal to play the Olympics
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Perhaps the campaign is cynical, but liberals are pretty damn naive
Right-Wing, Anti-Public Education Group Funds Gay, Muslim Democrat as Stealth Candidate in PA House District « SpeakEasy
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Dislike! Facebook supports government spying | SumOfUs
Dislike! Facebook supports government spying | SumOfUs
Helen Keller Sunglasses: Insensitive Insult or Respectful Tribute?
Helen Keller Sunglasses: Insensitive Insult or Respectful Tribute?
It was never about the money. And certainly isn't about helping kids.
Conservatives that oppose healthcare reform often argue that the welfare state is a soft route to tyranny - the more people are dependent on their government's benefit programs, the more government can coerce them by withholding the benefit. Yet these seem conservatives lead the way when it comes to turning government programs into mechanisms for tyranny.
We all benefit from constitutional protections that protect each of us from being treated like criminals when their is no probable cause to do so. In that vein, we're protected from unwarranted searches and seizures. A search of your bodily fluids certainly falls within those protections.
So if conservatives are so wary of "big government", why are they the ones looking to make it intrusive? Why are the conservatives the one's asking you to waive your constitutional rights as condition to receiving a government benefit? Because "conservatives" - especially those in power - only oppose "big government" when it burdens the businessmen that contribute to their campaigns. Those same conservatives are all for "big government" when it comes to the individual decisions, personal autonomy, privacy of everyone else.
It's not about the money - the law did not reduce the number of assistance applications and the number of drug users identified was statistically insignificant. The program cost more than it saved.
And then there's this:
"The drug testing law was really meant to make sure that kids were protected,"How exactly are protecting children by making sure their mom - who might already be saddled with a problem - has no money? You're not. There's a damn good chance you're hurting those children.
But this law was always about pleasing the people that like to case moral judgements on people, be they judgments about poor people or judgements about people that enjoy themselves too much. And those judgemental people like to cite the bible, but they lack all of the empathy that book instructs us hold for others. Worse of all, they're always willing to break a few eggs - hurt people - in the name of righteousness.
They're monsters, and the only reason they get their way is because the business elites are willing to throw them a bone to keep them voting Republican.
NYT: No Savings Found in Florida We
Friday, April 20, 2012
If there's truth to biblical prophesies to eternal damnation . . . .
Live Baby Chicks Used as Packing Peanuts!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Labor judge doesn't know his labor history
Thursday, April 12, 2012
The fact Obama can credibly pull a question like this off
Press asks Obama Kanye or Jay-Z?
“Jay-Z,” he says, as if the answer should be obvious. “Although I like Kanye,” Obama continues, with an easy smile. “He’s a Chicago guy. Smart. He’s very talented.” Even though you called him a jackass?,” I ask. “He is a jackass,” Obama says, in his likable and perfectly balanced modern-professorial voice. “But he’s talented.”
Raps&Hustles » Barack Obama Picks Jay-Z Over Kanye West
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Skid Row, Rancid, and the Gilmore Girls
Gilmore Girls - Hep Alien tocando Time Bomb, Rancid - YouTube
Double albums kill bands. What does a triple album do?
After The Wall, Pink Floyd floundered with the Final Cut after and devolved into a tribute tour with some original members.
Guns & Roses had a Spaghetti Incident after abusing the illusion of two theoretically independent albums.
Everything that followed Smashing Pumpkin's Melancholy depended on electronica gimmicks.
And I hope Greed Day fares even worse!
Green Day to release three-album trilogy beginning late this year – Dying Scene
cock sucking pencil dicked little pieces of shit[HEART]%20BOOBIES%27%20SPEECH%20CASE%20&slreturn=1
Monday, April 9, 2012
The businessmen would turn our daughters to stone if there were profit in it
Killing Us Softly 4 (2010) - 1/2 - YouTube
Also vaseline and spray deoderant
Music Festival Camping Tips | Filthy Philly
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Stupid: spain charging musicians with a crime for insulting the king
Spanish Punk Band Charged with Insults to the King
Rock on
A straight Mormon who once campaigned against same-sex marriage has made a U-turn to become a supporter of marriage equality, and he says his entire church should embrace this position.
Mormon Lawyer: Church Should Embrace Marriage Equality | News | The Advocate
Never read this guy Tucker Max
I thought Planned Parenthood’s mission was about helping women, not passing judgment on humor.You'd think with his purported experience with tons of women, he'd realize that some of them don't get the whole "humor" thing.
Tucker Max | Planned Parenthood | Donation | The Daily Caller
Damn liberal media
False-Equivalence Watch: The Platonic-Ideal Form - James Fallows - Politics - The Atlantic
Paul Ryan's budget is as fair as it gets
it slashes taxes for corporations and the rich while drastically cutting food and medical aid to the needy.
damned liberal media, government
The Associated Press: Suspect charged in Wis. Planned Parenthood arson
Scalia the activist
Whose choice as to which is "better" is it Scalia? Yours or Congress? Why should Congress start out as if nothing was passed if something was in fact passed simply because you think it'd be "better" if they started from scratch?
honest question
Why I hate authority
Marine veteran Kenneth Chamberlain Sr. killed after clash with police who responded to his medical emergency - NY Daily News
Monday, April 2, 2012
Problem with Obama care is . . . it hasn't done a damn thing for anyone
My parents get their insurance through my Dad's employer, and they suffer from a high up front deductible that deters routine preventative care - until the burn through more than $1,000 in out of pocket bills, their insurance covers nothing and they still have high co-pays after. The primary reason they work at this point is for that crummy insurance, and any hope they had of retiring was dashed in the second or third round of Obama's compromises to the ass hole Senators in his own party.
So what has Obamacare done for me? Nothing. Along with all the substantive compromises, Obama let the effective date of most of his reforms be set so far into the future that its hard for nearly anyone to quantify their real world impact.
that's why I highly doubt you'll see its defeat by the Supreme court as any sort of rallying point beyond lip service by the faithful. Obama passed a law that didn't have any real impact on most people's lives for years - years in which his detractors could make the case that the program is socialist slavery to those inclined to listen to that sort of thing.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Media Matters campaign against Limbaugh isn't censorship
Tom Mullen: The Right Has It Wrong on Media Matters' Campaign Against Limbaugh
Pitting people against each other for political gain - and all in the name of Jesus
completely sickening.
Breaking: Previously Confidential Documents Shed Light on NOM Strategy | Backstory Blog | Human Rights Campaign
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
the business men would sell us poison if they could make money that way
Aspartame is not the only thing in diet cola that can kill you | Grist
The businessmen would turn are kids to stone if they could get away with making money off the process
Fat is a Preschool Issue
Why the extra step?
Law school consumer information—especially its accuracy—has been the focus of transparency advocates and a number of powerful U.S. senators in recent yearsbut . . . .
By striking the salary data, the council has brought the accreditation requirements in line with changes already made by the ABA's questionnaire committee—a separate group that designs the questionnaire that all accredited law schools must fill out every year. The questionnaire committee decided last year that instead of school-specific salary data, schools should disclose the three states in which the largest percentage of their graduates found jobs. Prospective students or other interested parties could then look at state-specific salary information.
Bully's producers do something courageous
'Bully' Rating: Weinstein Company Documentary To Be Released As Unrated After MPAA Fight
Friday, March 23, 2012
justice. yeah right.
the war on youth conitnues
No Class-Action Status for Suit Over High School's 24/7 Drug-Alcohol Policy
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
And when they say that employment is anything but wage slavery
SXSW Festival catches heat for using homeless to boost 4G reception – Dying Scene
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
you can't spell crap without . . .
Raps&Hustles » Tyga Gets Garbage Can & Bottles Thrown @ Him On Stage
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Nothing scares a limp dick judge like jury nullification - because it people taking their power back
it's always a good day for lobbyists
raping us on the way in and out
The third circuit gets what the media misses
America is # 1!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Friday, March 9, 2012
poser defined
If you’re lucky, the only time you’ve been looking up at bassist Joe Escalante on a raised platform is when you getting crushed in the pit at a Vandals show. If you’re unlucky, it’s been in small claims court when he declares you guilty for vandalism charges. Escalante currently serves as a temporary judge, presiding over small claims, traffic, unlawful detainment, limited civil, and limited criminal matters.
Escalante now seeks to be a permanent county-paid judge, and to do so must run in an upcoming June 5th election.
While it certainly isn’t commonplace, it’s not absolutely unheard of for a punk musician to run for public office. Jello Biafra of The Dead Kennedys ran for mayor of San Francisco.
There is a huge difference between Jello running for mayor in a campaign that outright mocked the players within the power structure and a clean cut career goals musician doling out the man's "justice" by the book.
The Honorable Joe Escalante? The Vandals bassist running for LA County judge – Dying Scene
Thursday, March 8, 2012
America's most arbitrary censor sums up why America is so damned fucked up
Is the MPAA the real bully in the ratings fight over 'Bully'? -
america's censor protect our children's ears from filthy words
MPAA Praises Teen 'Bully' Crusader But Won't Change Rating | The Wrap Movies
Monday, March 5, 2012
fuck you if you can't take a joke
Thursday, March 1, 2012
war pigs
Senators Offer License To Strike Iran Nuclear Program
bad news
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
As if we needed more proof municipal court is a joke
The accused was convicted on the DWI and refusal charges, and the ex parte conversation came to light in reviewing the transcript for appeal.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
impotent big government
Judge Mulls Public-Interest Review of FTC Settlement in Acai Berry Litigation anyone remember the consequences faced by the attorneys robo-signing foreclosure papers?
thoughts on lawsuit against West over publishing legal briefs
the cost of fighting mariage equality is money spent to please a special interest group
The answer is obvious: a legal acknowledgement that two people of the same sex can love each other with the same amount of commitment as members of the opposite the sex can is offensive to various types of bigots that the Republican party needs to get elected. Anti-gay bigots are a Republican special interest group. And money spent keeping gay people in a second class citizen status - whether symbolic or substantive - is money spent to keep this special interest happy.
You rarely hear it framed this way by our damn liberal media, but that's exactly what's happening here in New Jersey.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Don't steal a loaf a bread. Steal somebody's home and destroy their life instead.
Foreclosure errors continue -
I hope hope hope Santorum gets the nomination
Santorum not letting new strength in GOP race temper his words
Friday, February 17, 2012
rock on
Thursday, February 16, 2012
NY Hospitals Saddle Uninsured Patients with Massive Debt Despite $100s of Millions in Gov’t Aid
I like the anti-corporate sentiment
Just end it
What, Exactly, Does NC's 'Racial Justice Act' Mean? We'll Know Soon - Law Blog - WSJ
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
rock on
New Jersey Senate Passes Same-Sex Marriage Bill But Votes Short of Veto-Proof Majority guy
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
the gun industry, and the politicians they own, are willfully blind to the illegal market
Inquirer Editorial: Towns need their gun laws -
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Gingrich is getting quick traction by pandering to racists
The idiots are taking over
lawyers are snakes
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Rock on
bet it will be alot like the Dr. Dre concert i went to
Dave Chappelle And Chris Rock Possibly Touring Together | The Smoking Section
Proof its not just about law and order
It's the oilmen's world, and its time we got used to it
stand by your man
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
credit where credit is due
As if slut shaming weren't sexist enough
7 Fast Women We Would Still Put A Ring On | The Smoking Section
Freedom? Yeah, right.
More Megaupload Mess: Swizz May Answer To The FBI, Other Filesharing Sites Shutter Services | The Smoking Section
People will lose their homes, neighborhoods will get destroyed by unkept vacant dwellings
There is a certain charm and passion and magic
The businessmen would turn our kids to stone if they could make a profit off it
"The best toy is 90 percent child and 10 percent toy," says Susan Linn, a Harvard University psychiatry instructor and cofounder of the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood. "The [perfect] toy's meaning and its use changes at the child's behest."At the same time, a large percentage of children's toys are based on media characters – Transformers, for instance, were top sellers this past holiday season.The problem with this, says Diane Levin, an education professor at Wheelock College in Boston, is that when a child plays with a toy that already has a character description, the play tends to be limited; the child doesn't invent the figure's personality or actions because those characteristics are already determined.
"One of the reasons that creative play has been diminishing in the United States is that it's not lucrative," Dr. Linn says. "Companies make less money when children play creatively. Children who play creatively need less stuff"
My hunch is that federal opposition to marijuana will end
a broken promise and bad politics
However, when Obama ran for president he said he would respect the states on the issue. And at this point, the federal government ought to be embarrassed that nearly half the states are outright defying the federal government on the issue and the feds can't think of a way to reconcile outside of threats, force, and coercion. That's pretty ugly, especially considering the states that have passed medical marijuana laws have largely done so at the behest of clear majority of people that live in those states.
Obama promised better. He promised to use his discretion as executive to respect the states' decision on the issue. The linked article makes it plain he's broken that promise.
To what gain? I can't think of any substantial block of voters that will be enticed to vote for Obama because of these federal crack downs, but there are plenty of people that may stay home. It's a foolish move.
Friday, January 20, 2012
New Jersey's biggest bully cuts the tantrum after finally getting his way
Friday, January 13, 2012
Reward for helping catch terrorists
Monday, January 9, 2012
I'm sure I could come up with a pun about old dogs and news tricks
Raps&Hustles » Snoop Dogg Arrested For Weed In Texas
If the economy improves
Its absurd my state has virtually no input in the presidential primar
Friday, January 6, 2012
great SNL clip
'Banned SNL Clip': Rare 'Conspiracy Theory Rock!' Short Unearthed And Going Viral (VIDEO)
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Why we hate them
Health insurers’ good year - The Washington Post
NASA = cool
One small step: NASA launches open source portal, aims to open more code
Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the elites have already chosen the nominee
Mathematics Says Romney and Santorum Tied In Iowa - Slashdot
kinky sex makes the world go round
EU Moves To Ban Iran Crude Oil - Slashdot
The 1% would rather destroy their wedding dresses
Priscilla Of Boston Spray-Paints Unsold Wedding Gowns To Keep Them From Grubby Poor People - The Consumerist
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
When you're the 1%
Watch Toots & Red Hot Chilli Peppers Perform "Louie Louie" | The Smoking Section
Monday, January 2, 2012
I suppose any positive mainstream celebrity support is a good thing
Dangerous Minds | Miley Cyrus supports Occupy Wall Street with new music video