Wednesday, October 8, 2008

what i liked/ didn't like about the debate

what i liked about the format: nothing

what i didn't like about the format:

1. Tom Brokaw was a tool

2. No follow up questions

3. Using the internet as a gimmick. Why not just let more people there ask questions, or let them get a followup? It's not as if the internet let someone like me ask a question. It was just another hoser like the people in the audience, except without a face.

4. boooooooooriiiiiiiiing

What I like about Obama

1. Obama's response to McCain's proposal of a spending freeze was spot on. As soon as McCain said it, I said to myself, So McCain is saying that after we spend 700 billion on tycoons, we freeze spending for schools and health programs? Obama riffed on the point: spending needs to be cut, but with a scalpel, not an ax, so that the most vulnerable don't bear the brunt of the hard times.

2. Obama's reference to his mother's battle with insurance companies while dying of cancer, and his focus of the predicament of "pre-existing conditions."

3. Obama's comeback after McCain said thank you

4. Obama's comparison of McCain's border crossing healthcare "plan" to the bording crossing credit cards do to engage in predatory lending - and oops - Joe Biden is from Delaware. Does that make Obama a maverick?

5. Obama taking the oppurtunity to tell his story again, describing his working class roots, and dispelling the elitist myth while trumpetting the American dream.

What I didn't like about Obama: His refusal to answer the woman's question about the commodification of health care. I was so glad she asked that, and I was so dissapointed with the fact that Obama avoided answering it (although I liked his answer anyway).

What I liked about John McCain: His mortgage takeover/ renegotiation proposal

What I didn't like about John McCain:

1. McCain calling Obama "Obama" instead of Barrack, Mr. Obama, or Senator Obama

2. His proposal for a spending freeze

3. "That one"

4. If you have this secret plan to catch Bin Laden - other than the focus ob Afghanistan Obama is proposing - perhaps you could let the pentagon in on it so we could get the mother fucker already? Keeping it in reserve for after election is hardly putting America first. But that's ok - I think its a lie anyway.

5. His refusal to shake Obama's hand at the end

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